The general medical services provided by GPs are defined under the General Medical Services Contract. These services are mainly split into three groups: essential, additional and enhanced. However you can also visit us at Church Street Practice for reassurance if you have particular worries or concerns. If you are unsure whether we offer the service you feel you need please let us know.
The quality of our services are monitored by Oxford Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS England and Care Quality Commission. All the services we provide adhere to the principles of the NHS constitution. To read more about this, click here.
Our Core Services
Church Street Practice offers a full range of high quality, primary care medical services as required by our NHS contract.
We diagnose, treat and manage many acute and chronic conditions, referring patients to secondary care (hospital) when there is need and benefit for the patient.
We offer full management of many long-term conditions e.g. for Diabetes we can diagnose, treat, monitor through regular checks, provide help and advice on managing and living with the disease, offer referral to education and support services, and convert patients to insulin if this becomes necessary
We routinely carry out blood tests, ecgs, blood pressure testing, ear syringing, cervical smears and immunisations, and offer advice on family planning and contraception, on weight loss, smoking and healthy lifestyle.
We also offer shared-care maternity services with the local midwifery unit at Wantage Hospital so that most antenatal care is carried out locally.
Our Enhanced Services
In addition to the general medical services required by our NHS contract we also offer a range of enhanced NHS and Public Health services which include:
- Minor surgery
- Minor injuries
- Long-acting reversible contraception e.g. coils and implants
- Child vaccination programmes
- Flu and other vaccination programmes
- NHS Health Checks
- Dementia diagnosis and treatment (to save some patients the long wait to be seen by the memory clinic)
- Shared-care services with the hospital, monitoring some drugs and conditions locally so reducing the number of visits to hospital
- Alcohol health risk assessments and advice
Patient Access
Statement of intent for IT / Electronic Patient Records
New contractual requirements came into force from 1 April 2015 requiring that GP practices should make available a statement of intent in relation to the following IT developments:-
- Referral Management
- Your NHS number is used as the primary identifier in all NHS clinical correspondence issued by the Practice
- Electronic Appointment Booking
- We offer the facility for booking and cancelling appointments on-line
- On-line Booking of repeat prescriptions
- We offer the facility for ordering repeat prescriptions on-line
- Summary Care record
- Having your Summary Care Record available will help anyone treating you without your full medical record. They will have access to information about any medication you may be taking and any drugs you have a recorded allergy or sensitivity to. If you do not want your medical records to be available in this way then you will need to let us know so that we can update your record. You can do this via the Opt-Out form available from Reception or the website.
- GP2GP transfers
- We send and receive patient records electronically via this system.
- Patient Access to the detailed information from the medical record
- We offer this facility to patients aged 16 and over who request this access. Request forms are available from Reception or via the website.
Dr Arthur and Partners (Church Street Practice) offer our patients all of these requirements under the GP contract relating to IT developments.
March 2016
Patient online registration form
Blank Patient Online Records access patient information leaflet