Health After Covid-19

The Impact of Covid-19

Covid-19 can impact your health long after you have recovered from the disease.

It can affect both your physical and mental health, causing symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, anxiety, and low mood.

The NHS Your Recovery website provides the full list of possible symptoms, as well as advice about what you can do to manage your health after coronavirus.

In addition to this, spending a long time in the Intensive Care Unit can also be a cause of poor health. For example, in ICU patients often have vivid, confusing hallucinations. While these symptoms usually go away once you have recovered from illness, you may need help to deal with their aftermath.

The ICU Steps website offers information about the impact a stay in the ICU can have on your health, and on how these symptoms may be made worse by coronavirus.

Local Mental Health Services

If you or your family members suffer from any of the mental health symptoms mentioned above, or in the linked websites, you may find the following services useful.

Talking Space Plus offers free talking therapies, helpful in tackling low mood, anxiety and depression.

Healthy Minds Bucks offers a range of free, tried and tested NHS psychological therapies, able to address a variety of conditions.

If you need to talk to someone urgently, you should call the Samaritans at 116 123, or email them at