The Wantage Health Centre Services

Within the Health Centre we are fortunate in Wantage to also have access to a lot of local community services.

District nurses
The District Nursing team is based at the surgery and work with the GPs and other members of the Primary Health Care Team. They provide nursing care and treatments to patients, relatives and carers in their own home.

This includes care and support for the acute and chronically ill and care of the dying. They have specialist skills in continence advice and wound management. They hold an ulcer clinic by appointment, for those able to attend the surgery.

The District Nurses can be contacted directly on 01865 904980.

The service is run by Oxford Health.
More information

Health Visitors

Health visitors are registered nurses/midwives who have additional training in community public health nursing. They provide a professional public health service based on best evidence of what works for individuals, families, groups and communities; enhancing health and reducing health inequalities through a proactive, universal service for all children 0-5 years and for vulnerable populations targeted according to need.

As well as health visitors, the team includes community staff nurses community nursery nurses and administrative support workers. They work with other agencies such as GPs, midwives, school health nurses, community groups and early years settings.

For more information on the health visiting service visit our website Health Visiting – Oxford Health NHS Foundation TrustHealth Visiting Service

To contact the health visiting team and for local well baby drop in clinic information please text the chat health text advice line.

ParentLine text 0-4 years:  07312263081



Community Clinics
At The Health Centre we host various clinics from both Oxford Health, The Oxford University Hospital and The Royal Berkshire Hospital.

The services at present include:

  • Podiatry
  • Audiology
  • Ultrasound
  • Opthamology
  • Rheumatology