
Flow Chart Description: Should I Send my Child to School?

Question One

Would you have kept your child off school before Covid?

If Yes

Keep your child off school.

If No

Go to Question Two

Question Two

Does your child have:

  1. A new continuous cough?
  2. A fever (high temperature over 38℃ using a thermometer)?
  3. A complete loss or change of smell or taste?

If Yes

Keep your child off school and at home. Speak to 119 or go to and arrange for a test. Your child and your household must self-isolate until you have the result of this test.

If No

Go to Question Three

Question Three

Does your child have an underlying chronic medical condition such as cystic fibrosis?

If Yes

Speak to their specialist team about testing criteria if you haven’t already seen or spoken to them, or had a letter in the post telling you when to worry.

If No

Kids who are otherwise well, with:

  • Runny noses
  • Sore throats without a fever
  • Mild colds
Can go to school as normal.