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If You Have Symptoms…

How Long Should I Self-Isolate?

If you live on your own, you must self-isolate for 10 days from when coronavirus symptoms first appeared.

If you live with other people you and they must also stay at home, and not leave the house for 14 days.

Make sure to check government guidance on how to self-isolate, and treat coronavirus symptoms at home.

You may only stop self-isolating if you & your household test negative for the coronavirus.

What if the Test is Positive?

If your test is positive, you and your family must self-isolate for the full time stated above.

You should expect a call from NHS Test and Trace. Find out how Test and Trace will contact you, and what information they will ask for.

If, while self-isolating, you or your household are in need of food, essential supplies or simply someone to talk to, contact the NHS Volunteer Responders programme.

What About My Job?

If you are self-isolating and cannot work, the government has provided information on what to do, and what income support is available.

If your employer has requested one, you should also obtain an isolation note.

How Can I Stay Safe?

First, check this list of factors to find out whether you are at high or moderate risk of being made severely ill by coronavirus.

If you are extremely vulnerable to coronavirus, you are no longer advised to shield.

Instead, follow this advice on how to protect yourself.

If you have been previously advised to shield by a medical health professional, or are otherwise extremely vulnerable, you are eligible for support by the NHS Volunteer Responders Programme. To get that support, sign up here.

I’m Isolating. How Can I Get Help?

In Wantage, the Wantage and Surrounding Area Coronavirus Support Group are offering a range of services if you are self-isolating or a vulnerable person. They can be contacted by phone at 01235 260033, or by email at

For a full list of local charities and public services offering assistance with COVID-19, go to the Oxfordshire All In website, and use their map to find groups near you.

Should I Send my Children to School?

Flow chart providing advice to parents on whether they should send their child back to school. A description of the flow chart can be accessed at the attached link.
Text description of the flow chart.

Alert: We are going paperless for prescriptions

Paperless prescription is part of our Green Practice initiative to become more environmentally friendly. Find out more