Book and Cancel Appointments

This page includes where to get advice about medical problems and how to book appointments with clinicians.

To book an appointment online, please complete the Accurx Triage Form here

You can also book an appointment from the NHS App

Non-urgent advice: Life Threatening Emergency – Call 999

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties, etc, you should call 999
Symptom Checker

To check your symptoms and for general medical advice without needing an appointment, calling 111 or using the NHS 111 online website can give advice and signpost you to the right place.

Speak to a Pharmacist

Your pharmacy can advise you on minor illnesses without an appointment. Please speak to a pharmacist first.

Click here to find a pharmacy.
We now operate on a new service model called patient triage.

Instead of being placed on an appointment waiting list, you can contact us about the problem using our Accurx Triage Form.

A triage Team consisting of a GP and other clinicians will review your request and respond within 48 hours.

Some patients said they got contacted much sooner and were duly assisted.

Our Patient Triage model helps ensure you get the right appointment much sooner.

Use our patient triage service to book an appointment. You do not need your NHS login details to use the form; it will make it quicker.
Routine appointments are for those with long-term conditions or ongoing treatment who regularly see a nurse or other clinicians.

We usually email or SMS patients when their long-term condition is due, with a link to book an appointment.

However, you can use the Accurx Triage Form to contact us if you have an ongoing treatment.
medical issue

If you need to speak to or see someone about a new or ongoing problem

Submit your request using the Accurx Triage Form. A clinician will review it within a few hours, but we ask you to allow up to 48 hours and direct you to the most suitable service for your issue.

This could be a same-day telephone or face-to-face appointment.

A routine telephone or face-to-face appointment within the next two weeks

A blood test or physio appointment

A referral to community services

Advice on how to manage your symptoms at home

Admin requests are for those who do not need medical attention or advice.

Admin requests include doctor’s letters, fit(sick) notes, referral follow-ups, repeat prescriptions, test results, and requests for online access.

Please use our Accurx Triage Form and select I have an admin query.

Please note that letter or form requests are a chargeable service.

You can see copies of test results and hospital letters on the NHS App.

Once you submit the form, our patient advisors will aim to respond to your request within 48 hours.

How to cancel an appointment

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible and tell us which appointment you are cancelling so we can give the slot to someone else. You can do this by phoning us on 01235 770245 or via the Accurx Triage Form.

Further Information

If you would like a chaperone present during your consultation, please advise the receptionist when booking your appointment or checking in.

Please call 111 service between 6:30 pm and 8:30 am Monday through Friday, all day on weekends, and bank holidays.

Home visits are available at the discretion of the triage GP. Please use the Accurx Triage Form to request a home visit.

The Triage GP will phone you to make any necessary arrangements.